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Welcome to Wasting ALL the Time!

Episode 238 - Cattle Prod

This week Dave wants to live creative, Jon exposes the lies of the great twitterbot machine before your very eyes, and Cody will be safe from smoke inhalation. Also, this is not a toy!

Show Notes:

00:00 - Cold Open

03:44 - What Day is This?: National Live Creative Day

17:13 - Twittershins Rapidballs

22:17 - Listener Suggested Scenes: "Wrong Role" from Squeaky Dave, "Office Fire" from The Floor Warden

35:20 - Questionnaise: from Balls Deep, Bryce Christensen, and An Owl With A Cavity

42:49 - What's Weird in the World?: German Crawfish

Episode 239 - Candied Dick

Episode 237 - Your Left or Mine?