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Welcome to Wasting ALL the Time!

Ep. 50 - Family Fluids

This week Jon let Robert Redford sleep on his couch (saved his damn life!), Cody asks for spelling assistance, Dave is not the soul mate, and Jes tries to sort out other people's problems. Also, roll the tape!

Show Notes:

00:00 - The Beginning

02:23 - The Jonologue: Staplers

04:35 - Fruitwards: Unvoweled Suckle

15:03 - What Have You Been Up To?: Cooking, weight loss, disc golf, virtual art meets, tabletop gaming, MidTier, cleaning up the back yard, gardening, etc.

30:56 - What's Weird in the World?: Getting High from Penguin Poo

41:09 - Improv Game of the Week: 911 - What's Your Emergency?

52:45 - The Ending

TPT S03 E08

TPT S03 E07