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Welcome to Wasting ALL the Time!

Ep. 58 - Leverage

This week Jon has referred to the beverage in the past, Cody is there to take notes, and Dave doesn't know all the names. Also, I'm an official!

Show Notes:

00:00 - The Beginning

02:01 - The Jonologue: Screwdrivers

04:28 - Fruitwards: Lyrical Atom

11:58 - What Have You Been Up To?: Home office refresh, audio-books, 3D level design, school, work, etc.

21:20 - What's Weird in the World?: Emus in the pub

31:05 - Improv Game of the Week: Evil Stick of Gum

37:31 - The Ending

Ep. 59 - You Can't Saddle a Rhomboid

Ep. 57 - Fish For Hire