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Welcome to Wasting ALL the Time!

Episode 222 - The Best Preparations Possible

This week Jon is back (as Thornton J Windshield III), Cody explains the giant mutant fish, and Dave is a woman. Also trust me, I've seen your wife.

Show Notes:

00:00 - Cold Open

05:32 - What Day is This?: National Cheese Souffle Day

14:00 - What Have You Been Up To?: Opera, Kill Yuan!!, surprises gone nearly very wrong!, Jack Jackson, Minecraft, work, etc.

20:01 - Fruitwards: Meddlesome Vehicles

28:37 - Improv Game of the Week: Press Conference

45:01 - Cody's Words of Wisdom

Jack Jackson: Noir Podcast - Terrorized Tenor

Jack Jackson: Noir Podcast - Missing Madagascar Mask

Jack Jackson: Noir Podcast - Missing Madagascar Mask