Ted here! All of us here at WAtT Studios are looking forward to a nice, quiet President’s Day. Dave has a super neat tradition of spending the entire 24-hour period dressed as George Washington, and Cody has spent the whole day trying to trick him into telling a lie. Jon, for his part, has been trying to explain “the apocryphal nature of the cherry tree story,” but nobody is listening to him.

Uncle Sam dropped by last night, and decided to stick around for a few drinks after failing to murder us all. It was super fun! At midnight, Dave put on his George Washington costume and things got a little weird between him and Sam. Everyone was real drunk by then, though, so nothing bad happened.

Anyhow, I need to go research "how to clean up arterial spray" on the Google and post a Craigslist ad for a new security guard, so that's about it for this blog post. I hope you all have a safe and patriotic President's Day - it's what the Founders intended, after all!

I'd just like to make a general reminder to no one in particular (but pretty much only one person) that even though labels like "webmaster" get thrown around easily, there are multiple people with the ability to write posts to the website. Or delete posts. Or just see what goes on around here so keep it classy and watch your mouth, Ted.

Or anybody.

Howdy, folks! Ted here, and I’m super excited to add “Official WAtT Webmaster” to my list of intern duties! I’m thinking of putting that between “Official WAtT Structural Engineer” and “Official WAtT Breakroom Facilitator” on my resume, but I might end up going alphabetical instead.

For anybody who’s new around here, I’m Ted, Wasting ALL the Time – A Podcast’s Official Unpaid Intern. I help the guys out around the studio by taking care of all the things that might distract them from their creative work: making sure there’s plenty of cups in the break room, keeping the studio tidy, rebuilding the hangar after alien attacks – that kind of thing.

When I asked Dave if I could start blogging for the site, he said "Nobody reads that crap anyway, so I don't really care what you do." I laughed about that one for five whole minutes! Dave's my favorite - so funny! But anyway, I'll be posting here every week or so to keep you up-to-date on the daily goings-on around WAtT Studios. Hope to see you around!

Hey everybody, Dave here. Just wanted to put in my two cents worth today as we publicly launch our new website here... I'd like to say that even though I'm very happy with how the site looks and the feedback we've gotten so far is entirely positive, there are still some things that will be changed and/or added in the next few weeks. So if you have any feedback about features you see or don't see, click on the envelope at the bottom of the screen and let us know what you have to say. OR I suppose one might leave a comment on this here blog post if one were so inclined. ^_^  

Anyhow, thanks for the support so far and I'm really looking forward to the next era of Wasting ALL the Time - A Podcast!


Cody, Dave, and Jon are super excited to bring you this new centralized location for all things timewastepod. It's the official freakin' website of Wasting ALL the Time - A Podcast! Like, for realsies! Holy shark tanks, bro-trek! Needless to say we are all very excited around here. Dave even let Ted say "good job" at the unveiling ceremony. O_o !

So welcome once again and keep this site bookmarked for easy access to all we do in the future and all we've done in the past; all in one place. We may or may not have just used a semicolon appropriately.

Thanks ever so much!

-The Guys